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30th Anniversary in 2017 - A Special Year of Donations

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In 2017, Eurofins celebrated its 30th anniversary. In light of the tremendous success of Eurofins over the years, the Group’s leadership felt that its 30-year celebration would have rang hollow if it did not share its some of the fruits of its success with some of the organisations and charities that share its values of supporting global health and safety. That’s why alongside this anniversary we donated €1 million to over 40 charities and good causes selected by Eurofins teams worldwide.

Eurofins employees picked over 40 charities that align to Eurofins’ mission of ‘contributing to a safer and healthier world for all’, across the following five areas: the supported causes ranged from organisations focusing on better nutrition(e.g. food banks around the world, organisations that support food fortification in developing countries or work on avoiding food waste) to charities that aim at protecting ecosystems in the sea and on land and that are committed to improving health around the world – via research on cancer or organ transplants or by building access to clean drinking water and sanitation. Initiatives dedicated to social entrepreneurship completed this list, as well as the support of local communities that Eurofins' employees are active in.

For more details on the non-profit organisations we supported as part of our 30th year celebrations, please click on the individual pillars below.

Of course, none of this would have been possible without the contribution of the Eurofins staff, not just in helping to build a business capable of supporting so many good causes but also through their enthusiasm and commitment as volunteers and fundraisers. At Eurofins, we’re proud of our people, and say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all that they do to make the world a better place.