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Better nutrition

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In a world of plenty, too many still go hungry. The challenge of feeding a growing world population in a sustainable manner is one of the most pressing issues facing humanity.

  • KidsCan NZ (New Zealand)
    KidsCan’s mission is to provide food, clothing and basic healthcare in schools to enable disadvantaged children to be more engaged in their education and reach their full potential. They feed over 25,000 hungry children every week in schools in New Zealand. Eurofins' support allowed for meals to be provided within the school environment and to raise awareness about the importance of nutrition in children's development.
  • Oasis Green Food Bank (China)
    This is Shanghai Green Oasis Public Service Development Center's food bank project. Their mission is zero food waste, sustainable communities, making food available to all. They collect unsold food from supermarkets, hotels, etc. to redistribute it in poorer communities. Eurofins contributed to food waste reduction and food supplements to be provided to additional low-income vulnerable families in disadvantaged communities.
  • German Red Cross (Germany)
    Especially after natural disasters or in crisis areas, affected families and communities can quickly face great need. The destruction of agricultural areas does not only leave the people without a source for food production, but often also without an economic basis. Eurofins' donation was allocated to emergency aid projects for food security, in order to provide people in need, especially after natural disasters, with food and drinking water to cover their basic needs.
  • UNICEF (Uganda)
    The Karamoja region in Uganda is facing food deficit caused by unpredictable climatic conditions. UNICEF works, amongst others, together with the World Food Programme to implement a programme ensuring increased resilience in nutrition and health for children and mothers in Karamoja, specifically through supporting district health systems and scaling up community based nutrition. In addition, UNICEF continues to provide support to district and communities for increased access to safe water and sanitation facilities. Eurofins' support allowed the treatment of 1600 acutely malnourished children, the enrollment of 815 children in 163 Early Childhood Development Centers, access to safe water for 14,000 people, improved hygiene and sanitation in 60 communities and contributed to a reduced number of child trafficking cases.
  • Eat Forum (Scandinavia)
    EAT’s vision is a transformation of the global food system to sustainably feed a healthy population of over nine billion people by 2050. Fulfilling this vision will require major cooperation across countries, stakeholder groups and disciplines because the health and environmental problems associated with food are interconnected and span all sectors of society. In connecting leadership from previously isolated sectors and academic fields, EAT is guided by the core working hypothesis that productive food systems, global health, and a sustainable environment are all prerequisites for human development. Eurofins' donation was given as a general contribution to the organisation’s work and capacity-building.
  • Federación Española de Bancos de Alimentos (Spain)
    In 1996, the Food Banks of Spain constituted the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL), as a non-profit association and currently brings together 56 Food Banks, one at least in each province of the national territory. Their goal is to reduce hunger and fight waste. Their main activity is the collection of food and its distribution to the associated Food Banks, coordinating the activities of the food banks.
    During the year, the charity used Eurofins' donation for different initiatives, in addition to communication and collection campaigns and donations in cash, food or services.