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Improved health

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From the basics of clean drinking water and sanitation to next-generation medicines, we backed charities that improve life chances for everyone.

  • Fondation Gustave Roussy (France)
    Gustave Roussy Institute (IGR) is a comprehensive European Cancer Centre. It is a center for patient care, research and teaching, and patients with all types of cancer can be treated there. The Foundation Gustave Roussy, created in 2005, aims to finance research initiatives carried out at the Institute while at the same time maintaining the goal of improving the care and quality of life of the patients. Eurofins' support contributed to financing an innovative program, “Molitor Evasion”as part of the “Living Better with Cancer” program of social sharing and support which meets the evolving needs of patients in managing their disease. It accompanies the patient throughout his medical journey to help him/her cope better with their illness and improve their day-to-day quality of life during the treatment period. The quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the program showed unanimous satisfaction, perceived benefits in terms of physical and psychological well-being and support.
  • Médecins Sans Frontières – Mini-Lab (France)
    MSF initiated in 2016 an internal 4 years project called “Mini Lab”, with the goal to make the conception, realisation, and testing of transportable small biological labs, able to support MSF doctors on the ground for epidemic investigations. Eurofins' contribution to Mini Lab was a perfect fit with Eurofins expertise and core values in lab settings, innovation approaches, and human diagnostic services.
  • Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (Italy)
    Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC) uses its funds to support cancer research in Italy. AIRC's mission is to understand, prevent and cure cancer through research and outreach activities. AIRC aims to find solutions to challenges in cancer research, awarding grants to the most deserving projects, as well as supporting training fellowships. AIRC is collaborating with other international cancer research charities and organisations to accelerate the attainment of its mission. Eurofins' donation helped some of AIRC activities in 2018.
  • Barcode for life (The Netherlands)
    Barcode for Life is a foundation that collects funds for the Center For Personalized Cancer Treatment (CPCT). This center researches an individual treatment of cancer 'tailor-made'. That means for the future that every patient with cancer gets a "customised" treatment plan and is no longer exposed to potential unnecessary side effects of general treatment. Eurofins' donation helped the organisation sponsoring cancer research which focusses on personal treatments, based on the DNA of the cancer.
  • Asociación Niños con trasplante hepático (Spain)
    ANiNATH's main purpose is to support and improve the transplant experience and the life the child and his / her family will have during and after the whole process.
    Eurofins' donation was used for research and innovation in the field of child liver transplants through different research projects developed by liver transplant specialists at Vall d'Hebron Hospital. It was also used to create various guides and documents to heighten the awareness of the importance of liver donation as well as for the organisation of events on Donor Day.
  • Allergy UK (UK)
    Allergy UK is a leading national UK charity dedicated to supporting the estimated 21 million allergies sufferers in the UK and is the leading national patient charity for people living with all types of allergy. The charity used Eurofins' donation to develop a suite of professionally produced videos, including a series of condition-led videos to inform the community about key allergies and use on their website etc. They also produced a video presenting Allergy UK and the work they do, launching it during their Allergy Heroes Awards, which took place on Thursday 26th April 2018 at the Haberdashers’ Hall in London.
  • Americares (USA)
    Americares is a health-focused relief and development organization that responds to people affected by poverty or disaster with life-changing health programs for people in the United States and around the world. Eurofins' support was allocated to programmes dealing with the aftermaths of two devastating hurricanes in the US, contributing to the organisation's efforts to provide access to clean water, adequate food, emergency healthcare.
  • Gift of Life Foundation (USA)
    Gift of Life is a national model for the support, awareness and success of organ, eye and tissue donation through education, mentoring and collaboration with partners and individuals in the transplant community. Gift of Life seeks to educate the public regarding the life value of organ donation and to increase the number of organ donors through programs made available to local high schools and other large groups. Eurofins' support contributed to serving the needs of several transplant patients.
  • T-Celleforskning (Denmark)
    Eurofins supported T-cell research (immunotherapy) against birthmark cancer by Inge Marie Svane, Herlev Hospital, a private collection ensuring continued research in T-cell therapy. The reason for this support was the introduction by the Ministry of Health of an increase in fees for approved drug trials, affecting research not supported by the pharmaceutical industry.
  • British Science Association (UK)
    The British Science Association (BSA) is a charity whose mission is to support, grow and diversify the community of people interested and involved in science; and to strengthen their influence over science's direction and place in society. They organise major initiatives across the UK and Eurofins' donation went towards the running of British Science Week, their annual grassroots campaign to celebrate science, and to increase enjoyment and participation in science amongst a wide range of audiences including young people, adults and families. Each year, over 2000 events take place during British Science Week, reaching almost one million participants. Across the UK a whole host of organisations - including schools, local community organisations and national cultural institutions - get involved; for some it may be the only time in the year they engage in science activities. The donation from Eurofins represented a valuable contribution to their target, and was equivalent to an 'associate sponsorship' tier.