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Please find below our latest news items.

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24-Sep-2021 New EFSA Guidance Document on risk assessments for PPP's that have stereoisomers as components
The new EFSA Guidance Document on risk assessments for active substances of plant protection product...
24-Sep-2021 EAS attains EcoVadis Silver Medal in latest CSR survey
Demonstrating particular strengths in the Labor & Humans rights, and Ethics categories, EAS Group ha...
24-Sep-2021 Expanded archival storage now available at EAS Columbia Laboratory
The EAS Group is excited to announce its expanded archival storage facility at our Columbia, MO, sit...
24-Sep-2021 Introducing new faces in the U.S. EAS Metabolism and Field Groups
In North America, EAS Group have seen several new colleagues join the team........
6-Sep-2021 Another year gone and another successful Late Blight event!
Eurofins Agroscience Services is proud to host one of Europe's largest late blight events, with 2021...
3-Sep-2021 Managing the placing of fertilizing products, esp.biostimulants, on the market
We are excited to confirm that Eurofins Agroscience Services will support ACI Biostimulants Europe a...
1-Sep-2021 Key Takeaways from Xtalks webinar on Biological Plant Protection Products
Head of Eurofins Agroscience Regulatory, Dr Vincent Dreze, recently attended the Xtalks webinar on B...
27-Jul-2021 EAS Group expands environmental fate study capacity for OECD 301B Ready Biodegradation testing
EAS Group expands environmental fate study capacity for OECD 301B Ready Biodegradation testing..... ...
26-Jul-2021 EAS Hercules Laboratory Relocation; California, USA
EAS Hercules Laboratory Relocation; California, USA.....
23-Jul-2021 EAS Partners with Respected Scientists to Support Growth of Metabolism & Environmental Fate Testing Services
Eurofins Agroscience Services (EAS) is pleased to announce that Pete Coody, Ph.D., and Martin Cole, ...
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