Dossier - Eurofins Scientific

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Whatever your requirement, we've got it covered)


Integrated regulatory, field development & laboratory services for your bio-solutions portfolio

Our regulatory experts have a proven track record of complete dossier submissions working with new active substances and renewal dossiers for biopesticides, biostimulants, and corresponding products, with senior IUCLID expertise for both chemical and microbial active substances.

Preparation of Registration Package

  • Dossier compilation for active substances, plant protection 
  • Modeling, Risk assessments
  • Waivers / expert statements
  • Services above provided by Eurofins Agroscience Regulatory Team


Submission & Follow-up

  • Submission to EFSA (IUCLID for PPP active substances) and to Member States (Biostimulants)
  • Dossier defense
  • Post-evaluation stewardship
  • Participation at Member State Meetings
  • Services above provided by Eurofins Agroscience Regulatory Team

Specific capabilities and service packages available for: Biostimulants, Biopesticides