GEP Efficacy Trials | Product Registration | Eurofins Agroscience - Eurofins Scientific

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GEP Efficacy Trials

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Conducting regulatory efficacy studies for local, international and global submissions

Eurofins Agroscience Services performs a wide range of efficacy studies (GEP) for registration, product development and demonstration. Trials are carried out globally by dedicated staff who can provide representative climates and in a range of cropping regions. Our knowledge of national requirements and of the local occurrence of weeds, pests and diseases provides an ideal basis for successful trials.

We offer efficacy testing on the following categories of plant protection products

  • Acaricides
  • Biopesticides
  • Biocides
  • Fertilizers
  • Fungicides
  • Herbicides
  • Insecticides
  • Nematicides
  • Molluscicides
  • PGRs (Plant Growth Regulators)
  • Selectivity / Crop safety
  • Storage pests & diseases
  • Soil disinfectants / sterilants

Trials can be set up in a very short period in most regions with individually tailored study plans and reports created to match your requirements. We use our knowledge and experience to optimise our services and our experienced team is well known for its flexibility and reliability.

Considering the agricultural variability between global locations, we deliver a uniform, but tailored, technical response irrespective of the type of study or its geographical location.

The appointed study director regularly informs clients on the progress of the trials.  The sponsor can request more frequent updates as necessary and we strongly advocate client visits to evaluate activity of the products at critical points in your development projects.

Data Exchange & reports 

We provide:

  • Quick initialising of studies
  • Regular trial updates
  • Electronic Data Exchange in ARM (Agriculture Research Manager) or other formats (e.g. company specific programs)
  • Interim Reports
  • Final Reports containing all information for dossier preparation
  • Quick overview of the results

Application techniques are designed to reflect GAP (Good Agricultural Practice) in the corresponding country and national and international study designs are adopted to ensure maximum use of the data generated.   Globally, Eurofins Agroscience Services can offer efficacy testing on virtually any cropped or un-cropped situation in most regions – please contact Dave Clark for more information.