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Tuesday 29 November | 9am (GMT)

As businesses set ESG targets and commitments in response to rising calls for sustainability, one should not overlook the measurement of air emissions from commercial activities, which lead directly to greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint. WHO estimates that air pollution of different forms is associated with 7 million premature deaths every year, and this clearly accentuates the urge to manage air emissions properly.

In this one-hour webinar, environmental-lead at Eurofins CPA network of companies Md. Abdullah Al Mamun will provide much-needed knowledge for anyone interested in this burning topic.

Take-aways from the webinar:

  • Introduction to air emissions
  • Sources of air emissions
  • Calculation and monitoring of air emissions
  • Abatement technologies of air emissions
  • Benefits of air pollution abatement

If you cannot join the live session, a recording will be available on-demand afterwards!



MD Abdullah Al Mamun

Global Environmental Head

Eurofins Consumer Products Assurance

Mamun has been in the environmental compliance field for over 17 years, with excellent experience in in-house production sites and third-party organisations. As a seasoned environmental auditor and Higg FEM Verifier, he has delivered multiple auditing and training services locally in Bangladesh and around the world in Asia and Africa. Mamun’s expertise lies also in CSR and environmental programme development and implementation, quality assurance, effectiveness measurement as well as quality management.