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Code of Ethics and Values

Code of Ethics and Values

Eurofins Core Compliance Documents

Eurofins is built on values of integrity and reputation. Our clients trust us in areas that are very sensitive for them, and they expect the highest level of integrity, trustworthiness and competence from each Eurofins laboratory and each Eurofins employee.

Compliance with these values and all associated laws, regulations and policies is the outcome of an organisation meeting its obligations, and is made possible and sustainable by embedding this attitude in the culture of the organisation and its people. Embedding compliance in the behaviour of all the people working for an organisation depends above all on leadership and clear values, as well as an acknowledgement and implementation of measures to promote compliant behaviour.

The Group’s Mission, Vision and Values provide the basic foundation of how entities within the Eurofins Group shall do business. Within this framework, we expect our leaders to act as role models for all employees. Within this framework, we expect our leaders to act as role models for all employees. The Group Leadership Charter outlines the behaviour we expect from them.

The Eurofins Group Code of Ethics, as the central compliance document, provides short yet precise high-level instructions for every Eurofins employee. It also outlines how to seek guidance and report breaches of the principles laid out in the code (whistleblowing).

Eurofins’ strong commitment to compliance and ethical behaviour is confirmed and strengthened in a number of more detailed statements and policies, which further expand on the principles laid out in the Eurofins Group Code of Ethics:

The Eurofins Group Anti-Bribery Policy

The Eurofins Group Modern Slavery Statement

The Eurofins Group Fair Competition Policy

The Eurofins Group Equal Opportunities and Fair Employment Policy

The Eurofins Group Health and Safety Policy

The Eurofins Group Privacy Policy

The Eurofins Group Policy on Ethical Behaviour at Laboratories (with Examples of Prohibited Behaviour and Information about Whistleblowing Channels)

The Eurofins Group Policy on Ethical Behaviour during Audits, Inspections and other Offsite Operations

The Eurofins Group Supplier Code of Ethics

All documents listed on this web page are jointly forming the Eurofins Core Compliance Documents.

Eurofins has a Whistleblowing Point of Contact intended to encourage and enable employees and stakeholders to confidentially raise concerns in respect of non-compliance without fear of retaliation, so that Eurofins companies can take prompt action to address inappropriate conduct or actions.

Reporters will always be protected if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the information reported was true at the time of reporting but any abuse of this channel will be prosecuted and can result in a number of negative consequences, including in particular disciplinary action.

The Whistleblowing Point of Contact is accessible via the following link: whistleblowing point of contact 

For additional guidance, please see the Eurofins Group Whistleblowing Guidelines.