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Canada | Manitoba ’s Upholstered and Stuffed Articles Regulation Repealed

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Manitoba ’s Upholstered and Stuffed Articles Regulation Repealed


On 24th January 2019, the Government of Manitoba approved the revocation of the Bedding and Other Upholstered or Stuffed Articles Regulation, 78/2004.


This decision eliminates regulatory requirements as the register in the Consumer Protection Office or labeling per the Bedding and Other Upholstered or Stuffed Articles Regulation.


With Manitoba and Ontario repealing their upholstered and stuffed articles regulations, as already announced in our Eurofins News Flash January 2019 edition, only the province of Quebec maintains its registration and labelling requirements for upholstered and stuffed articles.


With this announcement, Manitoba’s current regulation will remain in force until 1st January 2020, when it will be repealed.


Click here for getting more information from Manitoba authority’s website.