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DTI Foundation - Donation and Transplantation Institute
(Spain / Developing Countries)

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DTI Foundation- Save One Millions Lives

The DTI Foundation (Donation and Transplantation Institute) is a non-profit organisation with the mission to improve people’s quality of life and ensure self-sufficiency in organ donation and transplantation (D&T) around the world through training for health professionals and international cooperation with developing countries.

In 2020/2021, the Eurofins Foundation supported the Save One Million Lives project.

DTI has been collaborating with various Indian regions for the past few years, involving Ministries of Health and Family Welfare and public and private hospitals to develop deceased organ donation programmes in the country.

To do so, the DTI Foundation implemented the SEUSA programme to transfer knowledge of the best practices in organ donation to Indian healthcare professionals. In 2021, and thanks to the Eurofins Foundation, they successfully held a Pan-Indian training programme.

85 Healthcare professionals from five different Indian regions (Kerala, Telangana, Goa, Bangalore, and Kolkata) participated in the five-week educational programme. The training consisted of a Self-Study online course in Organ Donation, a one-day workshop on deceased organ donation, and five scholarships for the second edition of the International Workshop on the Family Approach for Organ Donation.

The self-study online course in Organ Donation included developing flexible and interactive learning activities and promoting the continuous building of knowledge and development of skills. The contents included deceased donation (after brain death) and living donation.

The students then attended a one-day live-streamed workshop in deceased organ donation to improve their skills in the field through practical stimulation.

The International Workshop on the Family Approach for Organ Donation was held online in November 2021. The communication skills required for effective and difficult conversations with patient relatives was even more essential during to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

These conversations are best conducted when the staff are trained and able to establish a positive relationship with the family. These concepts are the foundation of this course.

After the training, DTI experts followed up by implementing the new knowledge and skills learned in their hospitals.

Thanks to this project, Kerala state, one of the participating regions, is developing legislation to establish the need to have key donation persons (Transplant Procurement Managers-TPM) in the main public and private hospitals. These TPMs will lead the organ donation for transplant programmes.


In 2022/2023, the Eurofins Foundation renews its support to this project.



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