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DUNE asbl (Belgium)

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DUNE asbl

Created in 1998, DUNE is a Brussels-based non-profit organisation focused on public health and social care. Its goal is to improve the physical, mental, and social health of drug users. These individuals experience social exclusion, leading to a reluctance to access and benefit from healthcare services.

DUNE's operational objective is to provide a set of services for healthcare and aid, creating a favourable environment for their beneficiaries' social inclusion, recovery, and self-determination.

The improvement of the social and health condition of drug users has a positive impact on their drug consumption, enabling a more controlled consumption which decreases the damage to their health and social integration, as well as to their families and the wider society.

DUNE acts as a mediator between reality on the ground and institutions. They advocate for the rights of their beneficiaries, provide them with access to healthcare and protect their human dignity.

In 2021/2022, the Eurofins Foundation supported DUNE's plans to provide healthcare and aid to vulnerable drug users in Brussels (BE) through a holistic set of services, forming a system to respond to the problems encountered by drug users. Access is unconditional, anonymous and free of charge.

The system revolves around four key areas:

  • Structural services and primary products: Permanent social service, a medical dispensary, harm reduction equipment access, food aid and hygiene services.
  • Frontline services: An outreach platform offering support to our beneficiaries in their local areas, a mobile medical bus (Médibus) and a service to grant access to administrative and health services.
  • Participation and social integration services: A participative platform including community activities, peer-to-peer projects, focus groups, and alternative paid jobs.
  • Information campaigns and preventative measures: Campaigns and measures to promote health and harm reduction.

The Eurofins Foundation’s grant enabled DUNE to increase its capacity:

  • Reception service increased by 23%;
  • The numbers of visitors Dune supported increased by 27%;
  • Its mobile support increased by nearly 170%;
  • Its support on social procedures increased by 58%.


In 2022/2023, the Eurofins Foundation renews its support to DUNE for a new project, supporting the Creation of a bicycle sales and repair shop as a social economy enterprise to support professional opportunities and experience.

This project contributes to the following United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal